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On this page we have gathered researchers at Lund University who have specialised knowledge in social, political and economical issues in India.  Therese Boje MortensenDepartment: Human Rights StudiesAreas of expertise: Human rights, child rights, NGOs, civil society.Languages: English, Danish and SwedishContact information: +46 (0) 793 34 53 01, therese [dot] mortensen [at] mrs [dot] lu [dot] se - 2025-03-07

Sri Lanka

See below for listed reseracher specialising on Sri Lanka.   Andreas Johansson Department: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies Areas of expertise: Religion, politics, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, terrorism, human rights, democracy.  Languages: English and Swedish Contact information: andreas [dot] johansson [at] ctr [dot] lu [dot] se (andreas[dot]johansson[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se)   Ella bridge i - 2025-03-07

The Maldives

See below for our listed expert on the Maldives.   Andreas Johansson Department: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies Areas of expertise: Religion, politics, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, terrorism, human rights, democracy.  Languages: English and Swedish Contact information: andreas [dot] johansson [at] ctr [dot] lu [dot] se (andreas[dot]johansson[at]ctr[dot]lu[dot]se) Malé. Photo: Asian Develo - 2025-03-07


See below for listed expert on Pakistan at Lund University.   Jan Magnusson Department: School of Social Work Areas of expertise: Social change, social policy and welfare, social movements, South Asia, Himalaya, Tibetan refugees and social movements in the western Himalayas.  Languages: English and Swedish Contact information: +46 46 222 31 61, jan [dot] magnusson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (jan[ - 2025-03-07

The western Himalayas

See below for listed expert on issues in the western Himalayas.   Jan Magnusson Department: School of Social Work Areas of expertise: Social change, social policy and welfare, social movements, South Asia, Himalaya, Tibetan refugees and social movements in the western Himalayas.  Languages: English and Swedish Contact information: +46 46 222 31 61, jan [dot] magnusson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se ( - 2025-03-07


Please see below for our list of experts on Bangladesh.   Catarina Kinnvall Department: Political Science  Areas of expertise: Religion, nationalism, populism, gender and radicalisation    Languages: English and Swedish  Contact information:  +46 46-222 80 94, catarina [dot] kinnvall [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (catarina[dot]kinnvall[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)     Ted Svensson Department: Political Sc - 2025-03-07


See below for our listed expert on Nepal.   Priscyll Anctil Department: Political Science Areas of expertise: Women (ex)combatants in Nepal, sexual and gender-based violence in war and post-war, international intervention in Afghanistan, disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, armed groups.  Languages: English, Spanish and French  Contact information: +46 70 208 23 33, priscyll [dot] ancti - 2025-03-07


Please see our listed expert on Afghanistan below. Priscyll Anctil Department: Political Science Areas of expertise: Women (ex)combatants in Nepal, sexual and gender-based violence in war and post-war, international intervention in Afghanistan, disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, armed groups.  Languages: English, Spanish and French  Contact information: +46 70 208 23 33, priscyll [dot - 2025-03-07

What is Sufism?: Reflections on the Practice of the Sacred in North-Western India

This lecture series is presented by Dr. Yogesh Snehi, Professor, Dr. B.R at Ambedkar University Delhi. To find out more information about Dr Snehi, please click here.   Part 1: Introduction to Sufism About the video Practiced in south-Asia and specifically widely in India and Pakistan, Sufism is a spiritual practice embedded in the precepts of mystical Islam, possessing a rich culture and traditio - 2025-03-07

An Introduction to Zoroastrianism: Continuity and Change

This Lecture Series is presented by Dr. Shernaz Cama at Lady Sri Ram College, University of Delhi. Read more about her research here.   Part 1: Introduction About the lecture Once the state religion of a massive empire of the ancient world, Zoroastrianism has been reduced to a handful of refugees & today is one of the smallest minority religious cultures in the world with about 50,000 followers in - 2025-03-07

Rise of Islam

This Lecture Series is presented by Dr. Amita Paliwal, Assistant Professor, Jesus and Mary College, at University of Delhi. Read more about her research here.   Part 1: Origins of Islam About the lecture During the 6th and 7th centuries C.E., west Asia was marked by a combination of settled cultures and communities of people mostly tribal in nature who were either agro-pastoralists or traders and - 2025-03-07

Postgraduate studies

This page provides support, steering documents and forms for those who work with postgraduate studies in various ways. Establishment and discontinuation of doctoral subjects Resource and Responsibility Allocation in Doctoral Education in Computational Science (PDF, 113 kB, opens in new tab)Rules of procedure concerning the establishment and discontinuation of subjects in third cycle education – in - 2025-03-07

Work leading up to the board decision on co-organisation

Here you will find information about the process leading up to the Faculty Board's decision in September 2024 to co-organise the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC), the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES) and the Department of Geology. Events leading up to the board decision 2022 The heads of CEC, INES and the Department of Geology have carried out a feasi - 2025-03-07

Annual plan for courses for academic staff

Here you can see when the faculty's various courses for academic staff are given. The list also includes some courses given by the Division for Higher Education Development, such as the course in doctoral supervision, which is one of two modules in the faculty's preparatory course for prospective associate professors. The idea is that the faculty courses will be given at the same weeks each year, - 2025-03-07


Several elections will be organised for the creation of the new department. Election of the Nomination CommitteeThe Nomination Committee of the new department will submit proposals for the head of department, deputy head of department and members of the Department Board. The Nomination Committee's term of office is from 14 November 2024 to 30 June 2026.Elected members of the Nomination CommitteeSc - 2025-03-07

Faculty Board

Term of office 2024-2026 The Faculty of Science is led by a board. The Faculty Board consists of the the chair, vice-chair, six representatives of teaching staff with research expertise, two representatives of other employees, two general representatives and three student representatives. In addition, there are two representatives of trade union organisations (who are entitled to attend and expres - 2025-03-07


Questions about your employmentClick on the links below to find information concerning your employment.Terms of employment – environment and health – hours – – – leave, leave of absence and sick leave – – employment – – and - 2025-03-07

Faculty Management

Under the Faculty Board, everyday management is carried out by the dean, Presiding Committee and Management Council. Presiding CommitteeThe Presiding Committee acts as a working committee for the Faculty Board. The committee consists of the dean, head of the faculty office and two student representatives.Members of the Presiding CommitteePer Persson, Dean and ChairCatrin Malmström, Head of Faculty - 2025-03-07

Boards and Committees

The Faculty Board, Presiding Committee and Management Council have a number of drafting bodies to assist them in the form of boards and committees. These offer qualified support for the core activities, education and research, as well as other important areas such as gender equality and work environment. The boards and committees are: Academic Appointments Board Associate Professorship Appointment - 2025-03-07

Faculty Office

The faculty office supports the faculty's management, departments, boards and committees. The faculty office is located in the Astronomy Building, Sölvegatan 27. The service point for internal mail is HS 39. Content on this page Communication Education Finance HR Management support Catrin MalmströmHead of Faculty OfficeContact information for Catrin Malmström ( Patrik BruceIT managerCo - 2025-03-07